Researching a trip to Tanzania, Africa

I have been steadily researching ways of getting the best bang for the buck with this first extended trip . My purpose is to see some of the country, become proficient in the language, live among the locals, assist in some of the community efforts, and go on a safari. I have known for some time that safaris often costs thousands of dollars, which makes it impossible for the average Americans to take part in.

I discovered that if you plan your safari from within the African country it is less than half the price. Yes more than a 50% savings. I had been told this by my husband who is from Tanzania, but it was amazing to see.

Going though an organization like Art in Africa you can participate in one of the Adventure Programs as opposed to R & N Xplorer safaris. There is a major difference in price, about four grand of a difference.

Art in Africa covers most of the base that I want to cover with this trip. The only thing that is lacking is extensive language instruction. It appears as though they only offer Kiswahili classes for one week. I can get that much at home, and I intend to do so.

Most flights leaving from the states travel through Dubai, but I hear that going through London may be a cheaper option. Therefore I have been searching that route as well, but have not found it to be much cheaper. I feel like I have only touched the surface of researching this trip and I will keep on until I find what I am looking for. I am told that the best time to take a safari is after the long rains which are between March and May. After May everything starts to get green again and the animals once again emerge to feed.

All comments and advice are welcomed here. I will keep you posted as I continue to research and narrow down my trip.
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