First Trip is to Africa

As many already know I intend to travel as much around this world as I possibly can. There was a time when I thought that I could just pick up a backpack and go, but I am not sure if I can or even want to do it that way anymore. I believe that I need a degree of comfort.

I am trying though, being the spoiled American that I am. I have downsized my life considerably, and realizing how much I can actually live without, but there is more to do and I am steadily working at it.

The reason that I have wanted to travel has now become a need. The need for enlightenment and growth, the need to see the beauty of this world, its physical beauty in its landscape as well as the spiritual beauty of its inhabitants. I also have this aching need to find ways to give back to those that require so little, things that I can do as an individual, I want to be my brother's keeper.
Documenting this through photographs and words will show others what is possible in this life.

I am going to take it slow by immersing myself into a few cultures by going to a language school, which will give me the safety net that I feel I need to get started. I will learn a language, live among the locals, and have unscripted tour guides. Sounds good to me.

Tanzania, Africa is where I am going first. Initially I thought it would be better to go to a place with a culture and language that I was already quite familiar, i.e., Spain or South/Central America, but my going to Africa will give me the culture shock that I may need. I don't intend to be shocked at all because I will do my research and learn a great deal of the language before I go.

However, this text book knowledge will be corrected and realized through the experience of being there.
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