California's South-Central Coast Trip

It doesn't look like I am going to make it to Tanzania this year, but it is a trip that I so want to take. Hopefully I can make it happen by the end of next year.

I am trying to continue to explore the country that I am in. There is so much beauty here to see.

Tomorrow I am on my way to San Francisco by driving up the coast on Hwy 1 with my daughter. I have been wanting to take this trip for some time now, and I am going to finally get the chance to do just that, with the one that I have the most fun with.

We will stop in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo before spending the night in Cambria. The next day we will tour the Hearst Castle before moving on up the coast.

We will cruise through the
north-central coast to San Francisco staying in Daly where I am looking forward to meeting a relative that I located through She is actually the granddaughter of my great great grandparents on my mother's side.

We regret not being able to get tickets to Alcatraz, which is something I have been wanting to see most of my life, but I guess it will not be on this trip. I had a friend tell me that she didn't enjoy the Alcatraz visit, because she could sense the hurt and pain that took place there. She knows that I am also sensitive to various energies, and believes that my missing out on Alcatraz was not by accident.
So we are planning to take in some of the many attractions on and from Fisherman's Wharf. I hoping to have a host of great photos to share when I return.
Category: 5 comments


Anonymous said...

Tonya, you will enjoy San Francisco. My husband went to alcatraz and the pictures were alarming to me but he liked it. We took the trolley from downtown (AMAZING SHOPPING! Find Lohemans Basement store, great shoes) to Chinatown and WALKED from Chinatown to Fisherman's Wharf which I loved. I made him take the Trolley back becaue the hills killed me. I wish I had taken Ashley too. We have great fun together. It's nice having a young women that you poured into, to share with. It is great. Tell Whitney I said hi and enjoy your time together.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blog you have created, Tonya. I am excited to see where you go with this. Would you like me to link you? I think we will share a similar demographic.

LOVE the drive you are about to enjoy with your daughter, by the way. We have decided to road trip to CO instead of going to Europe next month and will be hitting places neither of us has been before, including DC, Chesapeake Bay, the Outer Banks, Mississippi, etc. Cannot wait!

And as you are sensitive to energies, I will be interested to read what your experience in Hearst Castle is like. I have been a couple of times. I have been to Alcatraz once. It is a powerful place.

Have a wonderful trip - I know you will keep us posted : ) V

Tonya Keitt Kalule said...

yes you can link me we probably would share similar demographics. I am actually trying to build my mainsite to a woman of a certain age, as it states, and the rest links to those interests. However, I have not been able to build that the way I anticipated, but I will.


Tonya Keitt Kalule said...

Also enjoy your trip and look forward to hearing more about that. I am hoping to do Europe some time next year as well. Next year is when I actually turn 50 and I intend to celebrate, not just the week or the month, but the entire year. lol

Tonya Keitt Kalule said...

Marge, I think we are going to enjoy it as well. I am so looking forward to doing it with Whitney. She wants to go to Chinatown as well, so I am sure we will go there. I probably will not get to Lohemans because I am sure I will spend way too much money. I do enough shopping right here in Los Angeles. Believe it or not, I don't shop like I use to, I still like clothes and especially shoes, but just don't need as much as I once thought I did. I have more shoes than I know what to do with now.
I am sure you will take Ashley on the next trip to Frisco, because you are right it is great sharing with them. I will tell Whitney hello for you.

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